Drama & movement

drama therapy louise plattTHE SESAME APPROACH

The Sesame Approach is a form of Drama and Movement Therapy which can be used with individuals or groups. The approach is very structured in order to create a safe space for exploration and self expression. Within this structure the facilitator promotes freedom and playfulness, devising activities to meet the needs of her clients.

The name comes from the story of Alibaba in which a cave of treasure was unlocked by the magic words, Open Sesame. This is a symbol of ‘our unconscious’ where riches can be found to enhance our lives if we are able to access them.


The Sesame Approach is influenced by the work of Jung. He spoke of the shadow —  the part of us which holds elements of the self that we have disowned, (or of which we are unaware). To live fully, we need to discover and accept these aspects of ourselves. They can be a gift to us, contributing to our health and strength. By engaging with them we can undergo a process of personal transformation.


Through stories and metaphors, the Sesame Approach works gently to bring healing, as painful issues can be touched upon indirectly. A metaphor can be held in the imagination and nourish a person over a long period of time, helping them to view things differently.

Within an enactment of a story, there is permission to act out difficult emotions and characteristics without the need for explanations; this reduces the likelihood that these dramas will be played out unconsciously in real life.


Our  bodies know things on a deep level; memories are stored there. Some experiences are indescribable or pre-verbal and therefore impossible to process with our rational minds.  Through movement and the imagination, we can find out more about where we are at and what we need.  We begin to listen to ourselves more attentively and can find new ways to ‘be’.


The Sesame Approach is all about connection with ourselves, others and our world, and therefore often has the effect of bringing people closer together. It may be used with many kinds of groups and in a variety of settings.  Anyone who is open may benefit, either to deal with specific issues or for personal growth.


  • builds confidence and self– esteem
  • brings insight
  • can be a catalyst for personal growth
  • works at depth with material that cannot be spoken
  • provides space for experimentation
  • uses stories and metaphors which can heal
  • can nurture, be liberating, and give great enjoyment
  • promotes integration and wholeness