Creative approaches

approachesTalking is often not enough, especially when people feel stuck. Most people I see have usually done their very best already to help themselves and understand their difficulties.

But sometimes the ways we experience our world cannot easily be easily understood or put into words. In our Western culture, we tend to cultivate rational ways of making sense of our experiences. Simplistically put, the left hand side of the brain (involved in reasoning and language) dominates. But the complexities of our lives are often not logical at all!

When we’re creative, we engage the right side of the brain which is responsible for the emotions and intuition. It lends itself well to dealing with the deeper issues which are brought to therapy.

Unconscious material may emerge because we are allowing feelings to be expressed in a way which bypasses the censoring of our rational mind. Understanding and relief can come, enabling people to move on in remarkable ways.

Who can benefit?

Anyone who is interested in working creatively can gain something from this approach. It certainly does not require any particular skills. Those who seek personal growth or want to work on specific issues may find that it acts as a catalyst.

People who find talking about feelings difficult for whatever reason tend to find creative therapies especially helpful, for example, young children, people with learning difficulties, or those who feel their pain is indescribable. Many who have suffered child abuse or trauma of other kinds find that creative expression provides containment for very powerful emotions.


Because we are all different, clients choose different ways to express themselves. Sometimes we listen to music or use instruments; sometimes writing or telling stories can say much more than factual descriptions. Visualisation, relaxation, art, sand tray or role play can all be of great value, so long as the person involved is comfortable. It is a safe place for experimenting, nurturing and self expression.