
child.jpgCounselling can help children too.

There is so much pressure in our ultra-fast society with little space for quiet. Feelings can go under cover, and most of us find it difficult to talk about them.

Children can find it even harder because they lack the vocabulary to describe their emotions.

This is why distress is often communicated through problematic behaviours such as:

    • angry or tearful outbursts
    • stealing
    • bed-wetting
    • sleeping and eating issues
    • aggression
    • withdrawal
    • self-harm
    • recurring illnesses
    • lack of concentration

If such difficulties persist, then therapy may help.   A therapeutic relationship can  support children to find different ways express their feelings, thus reducing the need for these behaviours.

Is my child too young for counselling?

I can work with children from three upwards.  Young children can be very receptive because they are naturally creative and often have a wonderful imagination.    Counsellors can help them to explore feelings in playful ways.



A child can depict experiences or portray emotions by painting, collage, sculpting, or drawing.

Stories and puppets







Children love stories because they can identify with characters.



Hearing is one of our earlies senses to develop. Sound is used by mothers to soothe young infants. Music lights up many areas of the brain and is powerful in expressing emotion.

Sand tray


Children can create their own world or tell their story using a sand tray.








There is great freedom in playing. Feelings can be projected onto toys, scenarios can be enacted in role play, situations can be rehearsed.